PLAVNIK island-Only 6 miles to the SW from the Punat. An uninhabited Island of untouched nature on whose western cliffs voltures make nest’s.There is a ‘blue cave’ too ,accessible only by swimming.
In the deep blue clear sea that surraunds it there is possibility to meet dolphins, who are frequent guests here.
ISLAND KORMAT – A small island near Plavnik island.Island of seagulls who have a huge colony there.Thay build theri nest’s,lay their eggs, and in the spring a lot of pups can be seen.Thay gladly approach the boat when you feed them with the bread or fish!
WILD BAY’S – Half an hour’s drive south is a series of ten natural beaches accessible only from the sea. Thay are considered one of the most beautiful beaches on the Adriatic sea. Surrounded by the crystal clear sea, thay give unforgettable moment’s for those who like snorkeing, and explore the underwater world and the clif’s that surround them.
Island’s GOLI & GRGUR (prisoner islands) – Thay are located next to the Islad Rab.Thay used to be ‘camps-prisons’ for political opponent’s of the Yugoslav regime.
In the conditions of rough nature, the relentless sun in the summer and hurricane north wind in winter, many enemies of the YU regime has resided here.Today there are ruins of prison building’s,a mute witnesses of this hard time after the World War 2.
ECO CENTER BELI – CRES – High uip on a 130m hill, above the sea like a GRIFFONS, by which he is known, stand’s the picturesque town of BELI. There is placed CAPUT-INSULAE. A research educative centre for protection of nature, whose main activity is protection of EURASIAN GRIFFONS. Here you can visit exhibitions and the eco-trails, labyrinth’s, griffon’s, flora & FAUNA.